以下內容來自Ninety Plus
In recent years, Ninety Plus has embedded itself with coffee producers and worked to discover its own science of coffee differentiation an development.
Aricha and Beloya-our first two coffee brands and project – have been roasted in 24 countries since 2007. Now Ninety plus realized the next step in its evolution – we’ve become producers on our own estates in select soils of our main countries of operation.
Nekisse is developed on a private farm the Neji locality in southern Ethopia. Crafted with Ninety plus cultivation and processing protocols, Nekisse is at the Micro Selection quality level our clients came to expect from Arichas and Beloya.
As this is our first coffee since Aricha and Beloya to reach our Micro Selection standards, availability is extremely regionally as we make efforts to give access to clients internationally.
Whereas In the past Micro Selection coffees had been air-freighted to clients around the world from Ethopia, we have instead opted for the more efficient option of shipping our coffees in hermetically sealed GrainPro Cocoon lined containers to the U.S. for international distribution from our home office.
這絕對是一款不可多得的好豆子,除了Ninety Plus用心的處理運送過程之外。本店在台灣由北部至嘉義的運送途中也全程以低溫車運送。除此之外,現在所有生豆皆以真空包裝低溫儲藏。
$900/包 (湖畔咖啡熟豆販售一包皆為300g重)